Brownian motion of latex nanoparticles
Brownian motion of latex nanoparticles of 270 nm diameter in water. Brownian motion of latex nanoparticles D=270 nm, taken on an optical microscope with a 10x objective, illumination by an IR laser.
Brownian motion of latex nanoparticles of 270 nm diameter in water. Brownian motion of latex nanoparticles D=270 nm, taken on an optical microscope with a 10x objective, illumination by an IR laser.
Magnetic nanoparticles (50-300 nm) used to isolate DNA and RNA. Dispersed in water. Observation using an ultramicroscope. At about the eighth second of the video, a magnetic field directed vertically turns on, the particles begin to line up and move along the magnetic fields. Magnetic NP in magnetic field Measured on the NP Counter device
Using the dynamic light scattering method in this sample, the average size is measured to be around 50 nm (radius). It was measured on the NPCounter device.
The size measured by the DLS is 55 nm. SiO2 nanoparticles in water under ultramicroscope. Measured on NP Counter instrument